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Born in Washington, D.C. Clark studied at the Art Institute of Chicago.


Born in Washington, D.C. Clark studied at the Art Institute of Chicago.

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Born in Washington, D.C. Clark studied at the Art Institute of Chicago.


Born in Washington, D.C. Clark studied at the Art Institute of Chicago.

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By 1939, she was working as a Works Progress Administration (WPA) artist. A former student at the South Side Community Art Center, Clark studied screen printing with William McBride. She also studied with John Miller at the 414 Workshop in Chicago and the San Francisco Art Institute. In addition to her work as an artist, Clark served a gallery director at the Exhibit Gallery and Studio in Chicago and as a member of the African-American Historical and Cultural Society. During the late 1960s through the early 1970s, Clark exhibited at galleries in Chicago and California, including the Oakland Museum; the African Historical Society, and North Shore Art League in Chicago. A classically trained artist, Clark’s style emulated “primitivism” at times and was, in part, based on traditional culture that she was exposed to as a child in Haiti. In the artist’ own words, “I try to project in my work a universal (embracing or comprehending) feeling or mood. It is really a truly spiritual expression that I hope will be enjoyed by all viewers.”

The Artist’s Work in Other Collections (selected)
National Gallery of Art
• Oakland Museum of Art
• Atlanta University
• The Annex Galleries.

Exhibitions (Object)
Bill Hodges Gallery (New York)
• Oakland Museum
• African Historical Society
• North Shore Art Leagues (Chicago, IL).

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414 Gallery
Southside Community Art Center
Works Progress Administration

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